Well, I did shoot "PB" a quick text last Wednesday, just asking if he made it home, etc. He replied, but never initiated anything further.
So, last night, I decided to send him another quick text, about a race I'd done this weekend. He replied fairly quick, but again, that was it.
I don't want to get into, "It's his turn to make a move," blah blah blah...but...
I do feel like I've made some efforts (even though it's just little texts) and maybe he would have to initiate something at this point. Right?
The last thing I want is to be chasing him and driving him nuts.
While I'm glad to have met him, and we did indeed have fun...it's almost a bit of a let down. I mean, I never meet guys like him where I live. NEVER. So, to meet one that I'm attracted to, like, and have fun with...and he doesn't live anywhere near me? Well...it sucks a little bit.
It's like having this carrot dangled in front of you and then having it snatched away...while the person dangling it laughs an evil laugh, "Mwahhahahahaha!!!"
Also, it's not like I thought this guy was the one or whatever. But, he had potential...and I would have enjoyed getting to know him better - to see if things could go anywhere.
Back to square one, I guess...
PS This is exactly why I don't get "excited" anymore about dating. It's much easier for me to keep my cool and take things as they come. Because, when I used to get my hopes up...the letdown was all the more upsetting.
7 months ago