OK, I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted! I'm sure you've been starved for content! HA!
Well, let's get this out of the way first - NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING new in my dating life. Single. Still.
has been some excitement over the last few months. I was approached by a buyer wanting to buy my house. Now, I've been thinking about selling/moving, but was probably going to wait another year or two on that. Anyway, my type of house is hard to sell and this scenario rarely happens, so I considered it. Soon after that, I had an offer. And then it was sold. So, I was furiously house hunting and trying to find a place and make an offer...which was both stressful and exciting.
I decided early on in this process that I wouldn't tell my family about it. My reason was that they almost never come to visit me, but I'm always the one going home for stuff of theirs, to visit, see the kids, etc. And it's an expectation of my mom's that I will always make time for her when I come home...even though I have friends I'd like to see and other stuff I'd like to do. It never occurs to them to come here and do something nice for me or just stop for a visit. So, I guess I didn't think people that never visit me need to know I'm moving...at least not until Thanksgiving, when I host.
So, I told a few close friends and kept mum about it on Facebook. Every single friend I told reacted the same way.
- "OMG, that is SO exciting!"
- "I'm so happy for you!"
- "Can't wait to shop for stuff with you!"
- "What can I do to help? Do you need help with the move?"
Nothing but pure excitement for me. And as I've said before, I'm really fortunate, because I have an amazing group of friends surrounding and supporting me.
So, I decided to just tell my family when I was home a few weekends ago. My nieces/nephews were super excited. They asked to see pictures and when they'd get to sleep over. My sister-in-law asked a few questions and said she didn't know I was looking. My brother, who was in the room while we talked about it, said NOTHING. Not, "Oh, that's cool - good for you." Nothing. My mom asked to see pics and asked details about it, but was clearly upset that I hadn't informed her until just then. And, we haven't spoken since the night I told her (email or phone). I promise you she is pouting and expecting me to do/say something. I won't be doing that.
The next
morning, my sister-in-law and I chatted for a bit, but she still never really asked to see my house or anything about it. And my brother still said nothing. I thanked them for letting me stay over, but they didn't thank ME for watching their kids the night before. *sigh*
Keep in mind that neither my brother/SIL or mom offered any help. My mom actually asked if I was getting some friends together to help me move.
Cut to the other day. I get an email from my SIL. See below:
Have you started packing up? What is your move
in date? I can't believe none of us knew anything about your move until last
weekend. We didn't even know you were thinking about moving. It's not fair! We
have been wanting to move for quite awhile and it's not working for us. Just
can't find the perfect house:( Oh well, some day. Now do you have to get a lawn
mower, rakes and shovels? Oh the joys of owning a house:)
What the hell does someone say to that? How do you respond to that? Still no congratulations, offer to help move, or asking to even just see the house. Just complaints about how unfair it is that I've found something when they haven't. I showed it to a few friends and they were all dumbfounded. Couldn't believe it. And she's the one person I'm close to in the family. Ugh.
So, I replied today, just saying, "Yeah, I'm really excited about the move and
having my own place! Moving on the xxth!" She replied, "Ok thanks." Um, ok? So, she's clearly annoyed, but I just don't care anymore.
And she's maybe the 6th person out of everyone I've told to make some variation of this statement. "Welcome to lawn maintenance!" Um, ok. It is NOT the end of the world. I'm pretty sure I can handle a lawn, since, ya know, I've been handling every other detail of my life for a very long time...with not much help. So, I think I've got it. How about how exciting it will be for me to live in my OWN space with no one above/below/across from me for the first time in nearly my whole life? I think that is worth whatever work the lawn may be.
Anyway, ultimately, this is super exciting news and I have a great crew of friends coming to help me move, which is great! So, I'm trying not to let my family get me down...but they're doing exactly what I thought they'd do - making it about them, rather than being excited for me.