I think this will just be a running title...as I'm sure I'll have more rants in the future.
So, I'm leaving work today and I get on the elevator with a male co-worker. I let out a sigh and said, "Man, I'm tired." He then makes a "PFFT" sound, sort of insinuating, "Like you even know..." I said, "Oh, I can't be tired?" He says, "You don't even know, you have no idea. I mean, kids, they'll make you sooooo tired."
Seriously? Seriously?
So I sort of let him have it. I informed him that, oh yes, I too, can be tired. Of course I joked with him, but he did unintentionally strike a nerve.
I may not have kids, but I have other life responsibilities. Such as...working out, community activities, church involvement, cleaning the house, paying the bills, etc. Oh yah, I do the housework, groceries, bill paying, etc. by MYSELF. There isn't a second person swooping in for the assist on any of those tasks.
For example, today I didn't get home until 9:30pm, due to other activities (my choice, of course).
Again, everyone is entitled to complain, married or single. But, I very much dislike when married people/parents assume that since I don't have children, I have no idea what it's like to be busy or tired. In fact, many of my married friends have told me they think I'm busier than they are. Hmmm...
And if kids make you so darn tired and all you're going to do is complain to someone who would like to have them...WHY did you have kids??? (I reserve the right to retract this statement if/when I ever have kids and want to complain.) :-)
7 months ago
GACK! My coworker said the same thing to me when I mentioned I was tired: "Do you have someone crawling into your bed at 5 am demanding cereal? No? Well then you're not tired." I actually have a fairly disruptive chronic illness that does make me very tired, so this really hurt my feelings--but I didn't say anything because I wasn't going to get in a tiredness smackdown with him. = )