You'll never believe what happened to me this weekend! OK, it's not that exciting...but still.
On Saturday, I ran a local race that a friend of mine won. I had to rush off to another commitment, but she stayed back to socialize. Anyway, she talked up the male winner and somehow invited him (a total stranger) to the Halloween party we were attending that night. (He is from out of state.)
Side note: Love my friend, but think it's totally weird she invited him to someone else's party and she barely knew him. But, I digress...
So, he ended up coming to the party and we chatted/hit it off. Numbers were exchanged...plans were made to get together on Sunday. Well...we had a coffee date...then a run that afternoon, and then dinner/movie last night.
Yes, yes, I know it's a lot in one day. But he's only here a few days and we enjoy each other's company. He's very attractive...let's just start there. Very. And, we have many similar views/interests, and conversation (so far) has flowed pretty easily. I suspect he's younger than 5ish+ years. Not sure if that's an issue or not?
Anyway, so far, so good. Who knows if it's just a casual hanging out thing while he's here, or if it's potentially something else? He referred to last night as our first that tells me he might be thinking in that direction. But whatever, I'm just taking it one bit at a pressure on myself.
On the other hand...the friend who (sort of) arranged this is driving me batty! Constant texts, asking about every detail and if I'm SO excited, and what we're doing, and if I like him, and blah blah blah. She's suffocating me!
I know it comes from a good place, but it just adds pressure to a situation that doesn't need it. And really, we don't know what (if anything) this how about we take it down a notch, shall we?
I'm going to need to tell her to back off a bit, because I don't plan to report my every single thought about him/us to her, or anyone else, for that matter.
On the fun side...while watching the movie, he totally grabbed my hand and it was really sweet. It didn't feel forced or awkward, which is how I have felt in the past with a guy that maybe I wasn't really in to.
So, no matter what, it was an unexpected thing - and if nothing comes from it - I had some fun with him and good conversation!
7 months ago