WARNING: This is basically a post that will allow me to vent about something that frustrates the crap out of me.
I've got a friend who has quite the charmed life. In fact, most of my childhood friends had a charmed life, especially in comparison to mine. (That said, I'm fully aware that MANY have had far worse childhoods than mine.)
I grew up with a single parent, moved around to multiple crappy apartments, and had a dad who didn't do much OR pay child support. So, money wasn't abounding in our house. My mom did the best she could, though. But I didn't grow up going on fun/fancy vacations to wonderfully fun destinations. I grew up in a home that was constantly worried about money. I've been working since I was 14 years old. And college? I worked my a$$ off to get good grades, in order to qualify for scholarships. I then paid every DIME of it myself. My dad may have slipped me a $20 a few times, but I was pretty much on my own.
Let's talk about my friend's life...
He is 25 years old and still living at home. His happily married parents have provided well for he and his 26 year old brother (also still living at home). They have paid for his entire undergraduate degree/schooling. They've paid for his car, and I suspect, his cell phone. He then decided to go to graduate school to get his Masters. Um, his parents are ALSO paying for that. ALL of it. He has no real bills...because if you're living at home, you're eating their groceries and using their utilities/cable/etc.
So, his girlfriend is going to live in Greece for nearly a year, and he's planning to go out there. Last I talked to him, he wasn't sure how he'd get the flight. Recently, I asked him and sort of said, "Did your parents go ahead and buy your plane ticket?" His answer? "Yes, it's my graduation present." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He sensed my impending smug comment. I said, "Well, I think your graduation present is ALL that they've done for you thus far." He gets a little annoyed with me, and I should keep my mouth shut, I know. But I can't help but voice my opinion!
I saw him at work today and his dad came in. They were talking, and it sounded like they were talking about a car wash. His dad came to his work to take his car and get it washed. What? Huh? And I didn't bite my tongue, again. So, he was annoyed that I commented. And then he said, "His reward is that I'm a good son." He was complaining that this place he goes charges $13. Um, you have ZERO bills! I think you can fricking afford a car wash and not allow your dad to get it for you! Now, this guy is a good guy. Mature and responsible. However, it isn't hard to be responsible when you don't have many responsibilities, other than school and a relationship.
I was ready to leave work today and he could tell I was antsy. He said, "Just hold on, a few more minutes..." I said, "Well, some of us have worked 50+ hours this week." And then he called me a martyr, blah blah blah. I wasn't trying to be a martyr, but he has ZERO clue what the world is like, in my opinion. And I fear if he ever has to do things 100% on his own, he will not be prepared for it or be able to deal with it. And that isn't my problem, I know.
And I'm not gonna lie, of course there's a part of me that is jealous of his situation. But I honestly hope that if my parents had done for me what his have done for him, that I wouldn't even accept or entertain them purchasing my plane ticket. Graduation present? I'm 99.9% sure I never got a graduation present from my parents...high school OR college.
Am I crazy? And I already know that it's not my business and I should not be making snide comments to him. But, for some reason, my mouth just opens up!
I guess it's frustrating to watch people have a pretty charmed existence, while I've had to work my butt off for everything I have.
End rant.
7 months ago
Well, you're not crazy, but why should what he does or doesn't do or what his parents buy for him even matter to you at all? In my opinion he's a grown kid, who will continue to suck the marrow of his parents generosity until he's old and decrepit, because they allow it. It's just the way it is. Even so, don't let that get to you so much. Bite your tongue if you have to. Everyone of us has their own battles in our lives, some have it easier than others, what are we gonna do? And by no means am I dismissing your feelings. I'm just giving you an objective, unbiased opinion. Chin up!
ReplyDeleteYvonne, I totally agree with you! I know I've let it get to me too much and that ultimately, it doesn't matter. Trust me, I am working on biting my tongue. Appreciate your opinion, as always!