Let's do a Christmas with family round-up, shall we? Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one!
Overall, it was sucky...unfortunately. I tried to enjoy my time with my nieces and nephews, which isn't hard to do. They're awesome.
My one sibling who I've complained about a lot, was fairly jerky. They get really annoyed any time I sing...no matter what. Now, it's not like I walk around singing in full voice ALL THE TIME (and certainly, not in front of them). First of all, I am a singer and actually can sing. Second of all, I don't feel the need to show off or brag about it. Most of the time I'm singing, I'm either at home or in the car, or singing at church, in a show, or before an event.
But, they still get annoyed. So, their classic line when I happen to sing around them is (we'll just call me Sister), "Hey Sister, who sings this song?" And then, if I happen to answer, they say, "Why don't you let them sing it then." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh, hilarious.
So, when I was home, the kids were playing Just Dance and I was coming into the room. I started singing along to whatever song was on. When I say singing along, I mean it was barely audible and not AT ALL in full voice or any attention grabbing way. It's what most people do when they sing along. And then, they said it. "Hey Sister, who sings this song?" At that point, I'd pretty much had it with the whole long weekend, so I snapped at them. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know how you HATE it when I sing, so I'll just shut up. I get it!!!!!!!" I did. I said that. Honestly, I don't know if anyone else even noticed. But they just said, "Jeez, grumpy!!!! Blah, blah, blah..." Whatever, I didn't really pay attention. I like how I'm the grumpy one...when they're the one who started it. Dear. God.
Let's shift to my other sibling, who lives out of state. They made a really stupid (untrue) joke about me. Now, that's fine. We're a sarcastic, jokey, family. So, it was funny. At first. But then, the joke just kept on going and kept being brought up...enough so, that the kids were even in on it and joining in.
I'm not someone who enjoys being picked on. Frankly, I don't like the attention. And yes, I love how people like to say, "They only pick on you because you react. If you just act like it doesn't bother you, they'll stop." Um, yeah. I know. Got it. But here's the thing...I had ignored it. And it just kept going. Even my mom sort of joined in. Finally, I'd had it. And I asked them to knock it off.
See, I like to joke around, too. But, when the person I'm joking with/about asks me to stop or it's obvious they're upset...I STOP. And I apologize, because I then feel terrible for taking it too far.
Apparently, not everyone does this. I called one of my best friends to vent and told her about this stupid joke. She didn't even understand it. Because it was SO RIDICULOUS! Anyway, we had planned to meet the next morning for coffee. When she arrived, she said that my sibling had messaged her on FB and asked her to tell him if I brought up the joke. She, being the good friend she is, played dumb and told him he was a freak.
Did you catch that? My sibling was SO caught up in their stupid joke, they felt the need to bring it up to my friend and then ask her to tell them if I mentioned it? Are you EFFING KIDDING ME?
So, that happened.
Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, online dating somehow came up and my sibling, their spouse, and my mom managed to grill me and make me cry. (Still not sure if they realized I shed a tear. Or if they even care.)
My in-law's sister is really nice and so I asked how she was doing. She's also single, so I had asked if she was still dating this guy (last time I checked, she was). Anyway, she's not. So, the whole online dating thing sort of came up out of that. Now, I'm not mad about that. And they have NO IDEA that I'm even on any online dating sites at all. Nor do I plan to tell them. Ever.
So, these 3 people, NONE of whom have EVER tried/done online dating, proceeded to sort of tell me why it's good, etc. And what I should be doing. When I pointed out many of the things I've recently said on this blog (no, they obviously don't know about this blog, either), they basically acted like it's SO much better than that.
First of all, they've NEVER done it. So, really, I don't think they're in a position to give me advice about it. Second of all, my in-law's sister has been online dating for YEARS, and she's still single. So, it's fair to say that she's no further ahead in the marriage race than I am. At most, she's gotten more free meals than I have. And I'm ok with that.
So, I was saying how much I really don't like online dating, when my sibling says, "What are your other options?" Um, what? Did you just say that out loud? If online dating is the LAST/ONLY option I have left, then I'm going to accept being single as my life. Are you kidding me?
I said, "Well, there are set-ups." To which they said, "How many of those do you go on?" I said that I'd been on a lot. They said, "What's a lot?" Again, are you effing kidding me? I don't need to justify this to YOU. So then I said something about how it's a bit unfair that I have to go the extra step of online dating when so many I know did NOT have to do that. That's when my mom chimes in with this nugget. "Oprah was complaining to Dr. Phil about her weight, and how it was unfair that so many other women could eat whatever they wanted and not gain weight. Dr. Phil told her, 'But they're not you, are they?'" Mom continued, "It doesn't matter if others didn't have to do the work, YOU do have to do the work."
Thanks, Mom. Thanks a lot. That nugget coming from my mom was priceless. This is a woman who married someone she didn't love, then got divorced, then chose to NOT date anyone after that (bit of a man hater), and is STILL bitter about the divorce (and ex-husband, who has passed away) over 30 years later. She's not done a ton to change or improve her life. So, you see, it's really shitty of her to make a comment like that to me. Someone who had a tough childhood, paid her way through many things, including college, on her own, and is quite independent.
It was after that comment that a tear or two came out of my eye. Honest to God, no one noticed that I was even remotely upset. Or even cared. I ended up running upstairs and vented to the one in-law I like.
OK, moving on to the presents. Remember, I buy for 5 kids (and my mom) and spend probably $30+ PER KID. And the siblings/in-laws then bought gifts for Mom and me. Mom cleaned up, got some good stuff. My out of state sibling/in-law gave me one gift (from the list I gave). Total of $20 spent. Woohoo...don't go crazy, guys! WOW! The in state sibling/in-law did somewhat better. I got a couple of things from the list I gave and then a couple I didn't, but totally liked. Total of probably $35 spent. So, after I spent nearly $200, including schlepping a ton of stuff back from fricking Australia, I am worth about $55. And I'm sure they were irritated to even spend that. And honestly, it's not about the money. It's more about the fact that the out of state sibling/in-law couldn't click on something else? Or buy something not from the list as a nice surprise? Nothing? Really? And they shipped it to the in-state sibling's house...so packing it for the flight, was not the issue. Just thoughtlessness.
Also, I guess my expectations of them need to be severely lowered. Do you know how many "thank yous" I heard from the kids' parents? None. Not one. Not one, "Oh my gosh, you went to Australia and thought to buy/bring back cool gifts for our kids? That is so nice!" Not one, "Hey, thanks for the gifts, the kids love them." Not one, "Hey, thanks." Nothing. Did I thank everyone for my gifts? Yes. Did I thank my sibling/in-law for hosting us for several days? Yes.
Honestly, I don't think it's asking too much for a simple thank you. Of course the kids said thanks to me, which is great. But I guess it would be nice for the parents to acknowledge my generosity in some way?
What's funny is, my 9 year old niece was probably the only one who really appreciated it. She's a total sweetheart. One of the gifts I gave her was a framed photo from my trip, that she had admired. I wasn't sure how it would go over with a 9 year old (a framed photo could be considered lame/no fun). Anyway, she opened it, and got excited. And then she said, "You remembered we talked about this!!!" OMG. I could have died right then. To her, it made her feel good that I remembered our conversation and then thought to buy a gift, including it. Thank goodness for her!
Basically, I feel (other than time with the kids) the time I spent there was wasted. I'd rather not have wasted my hard earned vacation time for that. Both siblings spent time with each other, chatting, working out, joking, watching sports. I get it. I realize I'm the odd one out. But really...we were hardly ever in the same room...and the only times they spoke to me were to either be mean, make fun of me, or ask me to stop singing.
Overall, I give Christmas 2013 a SUCK level of 10, on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm going to hope that Christmas 2014 is much better. We'll see.
7 months ago
That sucks that you have to go through that and your family treat you that way. My brother and his wife won't even acknowledged the fact that we send their kids birthday/Christmas presents. But they're quick to say something when we don't send out presents.
ReplyDeleteI'll send out presents and they'll never even tell me that they got it. So, for all I know it could of got lost in the mail or something since they don't mention getting it at all.
OMG! That is just terrible that they don't acknowledge that you send their kids presents. So rude! It's the same with me; I pay $$$ to ship presents to the out of state sibling, and they rarely acknowledge. So yeah, I honestly never know if the gift even got there. If I ever have kids and they buy for mine, I would THANK them for the gifts. It wouldn't matter if my kids said thank you, I'd still thank them. Duh. Grrr!