OK, so since my post on Wednesday, JW texted me at 9:30 that night - asking if I was "having a fun warm week."
Seriously? How does one respond to that? We still haven't spoken on the phone or set anything up. I sent a short, generic reply and then he texted something about show choir stuff for his daughter. Cut to Friday morning, when he texted, "Already Friday :)." Again, seriously? I just replied "TGIF."
After a couple more texts, I finally sent this. "I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel very comfortable texting someone I haven't met in person. I'd be open to meeting sometime, if you would like." He replied, "Yea. I felt similar, but truly have no clue on this type of thing. Thanks for saying something. :) That makes perfect sense to me too." OK. So I replied, "Glad we're on the same page :-)."
And since then? NOTHING. That was Friday morning... So. Annoying.
I'm not made of stone...so I get that all of this is awkward and difficult. But did he seriously not know that we would eventually have to SPEAK on the PHONE to set something up? Was his plan to just text me and never meet? Because that is also stupid.
At this point, I don't think this guy can recover. I even texted the friend who arranged it and she was annoyed that he was solely texting. And my close friends have agreed that this has been handled poorly, from the way it was set up, to how he handled it.
I'm certainly not expecting a call/text from him at this point, but if he DID call, I'm not sure I would go out with him.
I'm not completely down and out, but this IS frustrating and seems to happen a lot. Makes it very hard to be open to setups.
7 months ago