Well, there's really no update...but I can tell you what little has happened.
So, the guy, we'll call him JW texted me Friday night...saying we know some friend in common. Now, I'm fine with an initial text, but much like this set-up that went nowhere, ONLY texting doesn't really do much for me. Especially when we haven't MET yet.
We texted back and forth, which was fine. Figured out we're the same age, from neighboring home towns, and he has a degree in Finance. All good. I already knew he had a daughter, and he mentioned he was going to her show choir competition the next day.
He texted me later Saturday night, "How's your night going? Doing anything exciting tonight?" Now, I'm sorry, but I have zero interest in sharing any of that info with him. Not because I'm fiercely private, but because I have nothing invested in him. We've never MET. I don't even know what he looks like. And we've also never SPOKEN. So, I'm just not excited about texting with a stranger. I did respond and we texted for a bit. My answers got shorter, because I honestly don't like texting with someone who I'm being set up with. All of the things we were texting about WOULD HAVE BEEN good to talk about on a first date.
The last thing he mentioned was his daughter's name, and that he has her most of the time. I had already told him it was cool he was at her show choir competition earlier. So my response to his last text was just, "Cool."
And it's been *crickets* ever since. I'm not sure what (if anything) is going on...if he thinks I'm weirded out that he has a daughter. If he just isn't interested, for whatever reason. Or if he wants ME to initiate and send him a text. ALL of these are reasons that text isn't good for two strangers who haven't met yet. There's no way to read it and know for sure what the tone is.
Also, I'm not planning to send him a text this week. Because, again, I'm not invested in this person. If we'd been on a few good dates and then I was getting texts? Um, I'd be excited and texting him back and initiating texts. But that is not the case.
This brings me back to the setter uppers. What a FAIL. I'm annoyed. I'm irritated that I keep saying yes to things and getting this type of crap.
At this point, I'm not sure if I should follow up with one of the setter uppers or just let it lie. We will see.
7 months ago
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