Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cadbury Eggs

Well, it's that time of year...Cadbury Eggs are finally "in season!"

Here's the thing, I've loved (literally, loved) Cadbury Eggs for as long as they've been around. I know, I know. "They're so gross...way too sweet!" "What IS that yellow stuff in the middle?" "Ewwww, how can you eat that?" "It's just too much, blech!"

Every year, I have the same hope/plan. Every year, I eat the first one and hope that THIS will be the year. This will be the year I realize I'm too old for these. This will be the year where I realize how disgusting these really are. This will be the year when I say, "Oh, that's way too rich for me."

And every year...that hope is dashed. It's dashed by chocolatey, sugary, yummy, goodness. Every year, I enjoy them as much, if not more, than the previous year.

The good news is, I'm a pretty dedicated exerciser. I run 30-40 miles a week, and am usually training for a marathon.

The bad news is, I just discovered that they now have 5 packs of Cadbury Eggs!!! I mean, they've had the 4 packs for ages, but 5 packs? Really? Proof is below...

So, this is a problem - big time!

The even worse news? I'm having some minor surgery next week, which will take me OUT of running for a minimum of 3 weeks! Yep, I'll be laid up on the couch for 5 days, then ZERO running for 2 weeks after that. Sedentary life, here I come!

Please pray that I don't balloon to a size that requires new clothing! I'm banking on the fact that I won't be AS hungry when my activity level is less.

I'm going to enjoy my last few runs and try to enjoy the "down" time. Everyone needs a break from time to time.


  1. Heres's what you do: On NO account buy the five pack eggs!
    Simple, isn't it?
    Good luck with your recovery; I found not exercising for a week very trying.
    Josie x

  2. I love love Cadbury Eggs. Have you tried the miniature ones? Those are the best... and you can pretend they are better for you because they are smaller :)
