OK, I can't remember if I've blogged about this before, but I feel the need to discuss.
Is it just me, or do many married people have horrible phone etiquette? Maybe my old age and many years of single-dom have jaded me, but wow. I'm losing all kinds of patience for how people are on the phone.
For instance, when a married friend calls me. If I'm free at that moment, of course I pick up and chat. The conversation will be going great, no issues. But then, 8 minutes in, this friend's husband (of many years) calls (not for anything urgent/life threatening). She's now got to "cut me short" and take his call. What IS that? Why am I being cut short when she's the one who called me?
The best part? Then the friend calls back, after talking to her husband. (like I'm just sitting around waiting for her call) I'm sorry, but I just think this is plain rude. It's happened with multiple friends, too. I can understand, if we've been on the phone for an hour or whatever, but a few minutes? And I'd also understand if it was a new guy they were dating. But, neither apply to this scenario.
There have been plenty of times when a friend has called me and we've had a good chat. And maybe I'd like to end the call, but don't want to be rude. I don't interrupt them and say I've got to "cut them short" or say, "OK, well, our dinner's ready...so I've got to go." Or, "well my husband's home, gotta go."
I'm sorry, but I just think this is rude. Yes, I said it again. I don't have a built in way to "let someone go" on the phone, nor would I ever do that. You see and talk to your husband EVERY day. You can spare 30 minutes on the phone, or whatever. I can't imagine cutting a friend off when someone else beeps in (unless I was expecting a call or something). That is why they invented call waiting, voicemail, & texting!
Also, if you know you don't have much time to chat. DON'T call someone! I hate when someone calls me and opens with, "I'm almost home, but wanted to call..." Nope, don't bother.
OK, just had to get that off my chest. Now I feel better. Does this happen to any of you? Or am I just plain crazy?
7 months ago
The worst is what I see my married friends do... they call me to talk, and then spend half of the time on the phone with me yelling things to their husband or children in the other room, or their husband keeps interrupting the conversation to put his two cents in! If you don't have time to talk, I get it. You are married with kids. You have less free time than me. But do not call ME and make ME feel like I'm inconveniencing YOU by being on the phone!
ReplyDelete@simplysolo - AGREED! You took the words right out of my mouth. Guess what? Just because they are married with kids, does NOT make them busier than you! Don't be fooled! I don't have a husband or kids, but I'm always in a meeting, working, or doing something. Sometimes my married friends say I'm busier than they are. Marriage + kids does NOT = "I'm busier than you and barely have time for this phone call." :-)