Like so many, I'm on Facebook. And, while I was reluctant to join at first, I will admit that I like it. Of course, there are parts of it that annoy me, but overall, I like being able to connect with long lost friends.
Here's the thing, though. I like to connect, via Facebook, with people I was once actually friends with. We all know that when you have 500 Facebook friends, you're not REALLY close with all 500 with them. But, you likely once had a connection with them and now you can follow their current life situation.
My biggest pet peeve about Facebook, and I guess certain FB users, is that they'll friend someone they were never really friends with. Am I the only one bothered by this?
Recently, I've been friended by a few people from college. For starters, they were juniors or seniors when I was a freshman. Did I know them? Yes. Were we friends? No. Were we enemies? No. We were just "meh."
So, if I came across these people on FB, my only thought would be, "Oh, yah, I remember her from college." And then I would move on...without friending them. So, it bothers me that they would see my name/profile pop up and think, "Oh yah, I really need to friend her."
Prime example: A girl from college friended me a while back, and I accepted. Yes, my bad for accepting if I really didn't want to be friends with her. Anyway... I was cleaning out my friends one day, and deleted her. I've not given her a second thought. Today, a friend request from her popped up on my FB. Seriously?
I guess, if I somehow figured out that someone deleted/defriended me, I certainly wouldn't friend them again. Would you? And again, I must reiterate that she and I were never friends. Not at all. I couldn't tell you one thing about her, other than her name.
The bonus to FB? An ex-girlfriend of my brother's recently messaged me and it was SO great to hear from her. So, we're now in touch again...which I love. I guess you have to take the bad with the good?
Anyway, do I just go ahead and ignore this girl's friend request? It's probably high time I go through and clean out my friends again. Anyone else deal with these FB situations?
7 months ago
I always end up cleaning out my facebook at lest twice a year (just like cleaning out your closet). Anyways I normally never accept anyone that I was never friends with as I just see as more drama then needed.