OK, I guess I haven't posted in a bit. This is likely due to the fact that I've been pretty busy lately and the blog has fallen by the wayside. Sorry!
I'm a little stressed out at work, but hopefully that is going to improve soon. Just had a bunch of stuff rain down on me all at once...with no relief in sight.
Don't you hate it when a co-worker makes a mistake (a big one) and yet YOU'RE the one who has to overhaul the process and identify risks, areas of improvement, etc.? It's like there is no longer accountability when you make a mistake. Grrr!
And...I'm running a marathon this weekend. My 10th! I'm really looking forward to a weekend away and visiting with friends. And, of course, doing some shopping for things I don't need, but really really want.
I don't have a time goal for this marathon, especially considering this nagging injury. I'm just hoping to finish and not be in too much pain. And, then I'll have to make the drive home...four and a half hours. It's going to be a long day...but hopefully a lot of food will be consumed somewhere in there!
Wish me luck!
7 months ago
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