friends who are potentially getting a divorce are still trying to figure that all out. I was talking to the husband the other night. He moved into his own apartment a few months back, until they make a decision.
He's struggling with the "single" life and sometimes I just want to SHOUT at him. Granted, he dated her in college and got married right out of college, and is now in his 30s. But still...
I guess it's just that he's constantly complaining about being single. And how hard it is. And how he doesn't have social plans. Or, he is at the bars every night and doesn't want to be. Or, he keeps hanging out with some of his married friends and knows he can't do that all the time.
Um, HELLO???
I know I need to have some sympathy, but it's becoming more difficult. Seriously, man, figure this shit out. It's just NOT that hard.
Recently, he complained about being at the bar late on a week night. And I asked him if he ever just stays in for the night. Ya know, read a book, watch TV, or just BE. He said he sometimes does that, but doesn't like it. And then he says, "Being single sucks."
Yep, he, who has been married for a number of years, says to me, who has been single for a number of years, "Being single sucks."
I'm not saying I've never had that thought, or that I can't empathize. But, dear God, he's been "single" (not really, since, technically he's still married) for about 8 months. I've been single for a lot longer. If he's struggling at 8 months, I have concerns.
Moreover, being single does NOT suck all the time. YOU have to make your life the best it can be - regardless of the circumstances. Honestly, of course I wish I were in a relationship right now, or already married and having kids. But, I'm not.
This year has been truly fantastic, and I don't think I've spent much of it lamenting my single status. Ya know why? I've made the EFFORT to have fun, make plans, enjoy my solo time, and just be happy. I'm not walking around complaining all the time.
If you can't just be by yourself in your apartment, I think that's a little weird. Who needs to be out every night of the week? Am I missing something? Most nights for me include a workout after work, maybe an errand, working at one of my side jobs, dinner with a friend, or going home to eat dinner and watch a little TV. Sometimes I have actual stuff like laundry or dishes to do. I don't think this makes me pathetic. It's called life. My married friends are likely doing similar things during the week.
I guess I just find it interesting that for all the advice that's constantly pushed on me about what I should do (regarding my single status), that I have to listen to complaints from someone who isn't technically even single yet.
End rant.
7 months ago
HA! You're on a roll sister! Your friend clearly doesn't know how to be alone with himself. One of my brother's acted the same way when he first got divorced. He kind of became my shadow, following me around EVERYWHERE and wanting to go out EVERY.NIGHT. Ugh!!! I've been single almost my entire life, cry me a rive already!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Yvonne! I told a few married friends about this today and they can't believe I didn't call him out on it. I promise, the next insensitive thing he says - I'll let him have it! Come on, people, figure it OUT!
DeleteBeing single in your own apartment like one bedroom apartments in Atlanta GA basically means you'll have to learn to be busy. It helps to dismiss depressing thoughts about your past relationship. This is my advice to all single out there. You've been single once and you've made it by yourself why not again?