Here's a positive - I paid off my student loans last week!
This is huge. Because, my parents did not provide any assistance to me for college. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Nyet.
I worked my a$$ off in high school to get good grades and be "well rounded" so that I'd qualify for any and every scholarship possible. I then applied/auditioned for those scholarships/grants and got as many as I could.
I also worked throughout the school year/summer, to earn spending money for while I was in school. This includes buying my own books/materials.
Now, I'm not saying I expected my parents to put me through college. I guess I expected that they would have maybe done SOMEthing to assist, though? (I didn't really expect that, based on my upbringing and the lack of financial smarty-ness going on.)
But, when you're surrounded by friends whose parents were either paying for their entire college education or a large portion of it, it's a little frustrating to be 18 and figuring it out on your own.
I overloaded my schedule in college, so I could graduate within a somewhat normal timeframe. I also did work study - 2 jobs - and probably worked a total of 20-25 hours a week. And I was super involved in on campus activities. (I was one of those kids who ran out of workstudy money and had to apply for more.)
So, I was basically stressed all the time - and completely swamped.
My reward for all of that? I got to pay back all the money I borrowed - with zero help from my parents! YAY! WOOHOO!
So, at 22, single, I got to start making nearly $300/month payments on my loans. Awesome.
During the repayment, I was out of work twice, so I had to put them on hold. And I still managed to pay them off in 13 years. By myself.
I keep stressing the "by myself" part, because most of my friends either had help from their parents or their spouse's additional salary. They have NO IDEA what it's like to have to do this on your own.
So, while I wouldn't choose having to do it this way. I did have to do it this way. And, hopefully, in some way, it will prepare me for something in life.
Most importantly, it feels good to know they're DONE! And that I can now save/spend that money as I see fit.
By the way, no judgment on those who had their education paid for...but I do think there's a different appreciation when you foot the bill yourself. My friends have no idea the work/stress I went through, because they didn't have to do it themselves.
7 months ago
I can relate. I worked full time and went to school full time, on a grants and scholarships and more grants and more loans. When I finished paying my loans off, I was beyond happy. It was an incredible feeling! Good for you! Go do something spectacular for yourself.
ReplyDeleteGood for you!! I'm still paying off my student loans are well, and people don't realize how easy it is to pay off debt when you have someone footing half your bills!