As always, you, my dear readers, are the first and only people to get this news. A friend of mine was talking to a friend of hers, about how she has a single friend, looking... And then her friend said, "I have a friend who is also looking, but doesn't want to do the bar scene." So, my friend asked if I was open to a blind date/set-up. I took a few nights to sleep on it, and decided to give it a whirl. We'll call this potential date "WV."
We did all the pre set-up things... Saw each other's pics...know each other's ages, through our friends. And then I gave the go ahead to pass my number along to him.
So...I expected to be getting a call at some point. Anyway, he ended up texting me, explaining that he's a bit shy and hoped texting was ok. Now, I'm fine with that. I get it. I certainly didn't want to call him first. But, I think there's a limit to how much texting I am willing to do with someone I haven't even met face to face yet.
Since the first text, there's been a lot of communication via text. And no phone call. We've talked about what churches we go to, what we do for a living, what we studied in college...
I guess, I'm thinking these would all be good topics on an actual date. In person. By the time we go out, I'm not sure what we'll talk about. Usually, you keep it light on a first date...and we've covered a lot of that via text. Add to that that he's shy, and I'm thinking there could be a lot of awkward pauses.
The other issue I have with all of this texting is that I don't want to be texting with someone all day long, that I DON'T EVEN KNOW. It'd be different if we'd had one date already, and I thought there was some potential there. The texting would be kind of fun, then. But, at this point, neither of us know if we find the other attractive in person, if there's any chemistry, etc. So, it's kind of a waste of both of our time, I think.
And, a lot of this texting has been during the day, when I'm working. And it's non-stop. Kind of annoying. I'm tempted to say, "Are you even working right now? Because, I am." (I know, that would be rude.)
With texting, unless you know the person, you don't really know their sense of humor/personality well enough to get some of their meaning. So, at one point, I hadn't responded to something. He later texts, "Didn't like my comment, huh?" Um, no...I just didn't have a response for that, so I didn't text anything. I hate the "Do you think he got the joke? Do you think he's mad at what I said? Do you think he fell asleep and that's why he's not texting back?" stuff. It's annoying.
Also, and this is just me being snotty, he ends nearly every text with "LOL." Even when "LOL" has nothing to do with what he's saying. For example, "Must have fallen asleep. LOL." Or, "Well, good morning! LOL." Um, no.
We haven't texted since Friday morning, so I'm not sure if that means anything or not. I'm fine if we do or don't end up going on a date, but I'd rather know sooner than later.
And yes, I'm aware that I complain about not having date opportunities and now I have one and I'm irritated with him. HA! But, hopefully some of you have been in this situation and can relate. It just feels weird to spend time texting someone you've never met in person. A little is fine...but I feel it's been too much, already.
Feel free to yell at me in the comments!
7 months ago