So, I went home for Mother's Day yesterday, to treat my mom to breakfast. It was fine. She's the mom who says she doesn't want you to make the drive, but would be secretly ticked off if you decided not to I went.
Anyway, we had a decent conversation, but it eventually veered toward the "I'm single" territory. Ugh. Anyway, I made an offhand comment about the fact that I'm probably not getting married. Ya know...because it just doesn't seem like that's going to happen, based on the past 30 some odd years.
So she says, "Why do you say that? People get married all the time. Why do you think you're not going to get married?" Um. Gee, Mom...because it hasn't happened yet? I mean, in all seriousness, of course I still hope to meet someone and get married. But, I also don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that it won't happen. Ya know, based on my life thus far.
And then the conversation delved a bit deeper about how she just wants me to be happy. And I get that. But I went ahead and told her that her and my brother's comments at Christmas (about how even though other people didn't have to work as hard to meet someone...I do and if I don't online date, what are my other options?) were pretty hurtful and frustrating to hear. And how NONE of them have one clue what it's like to be a single adult outside of college or your early 20s.
She then went into how my brother just cares about me and would feel terrible if he hurt my feelings. Um, #1 - NO, he wouldn't. And #2, I suspect he spends next to zero time worrying about me or whether I'm getting married or whatever. Same goes for my other brother.
And THEN she starts talking about my focus. And how I've always been such a focused person. And how she hasn't really seen me be FOCUSED on meeting someone/dating. She just hasn't seen that focus.
First of all, my mom doesn't even live in the same city as me. Second of all, we're not nearly as close as we used to be, so she has NO IDEA of some of the bad set-ups, weird situations, online dating mishaps I've been on/had. Third of all, she was married/had kids in her very early 20s and had zero desire to remarry after divorce. So, again, she has NO IDEA what this is like. Not to mention, dating now is much different than in her day.
So, I really don't appreciate hearing about how I'm not putting in enough focus/effort to meet someone. And I, in a nice way, said that to her. Basically, I explained that she has no idea how difficult it is and how I've been open to pretty much every situation, and they haven't worked out. And that it's unfair to say that I'm not focusing enough.
I think she heard me, but I also think she still thinks she's right.
Her Dr. Phil quote from Christmas was about Oprah's weight issues and how Oprah isn't the same as the other people who can eat whatever they want and not gain. And she thought it pertained to my situation.
Well, my rebuttal to that is this. Your weight IS WITHIN YOUR CONTROL. You can eat less, eat healthier, and exercise more. And voila, you lose weight and get to your healthy size.
Me meeting the guy I'm going to marry is not necessarily in my control. I can go on EVERY SINGLE set-up via friends or online dating and be the most social person in the world - and give it my best to be attracted/interested in them. If they aren't "the one," they aren't "the one." I can't control that. I can't control whether it's going to work out between us. Unless we actually hit it off and have a future...and I do something stupid to mess it up.
I realize everything she said comes from a loving place, and that she just wants me to have what I want and be happy. I get it. But I also think we could think before we speak and maybe consider how many awkward/tough situations I've gone through on this dating journey. And maybe be a bit more sensitive to that and not blame it on my lack of focus.
7 months ago
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