Well, yesterday was the 4th anniversary of this blog. I honestly can't believe I've been writing this for 4 years!
On the one hand, it's been a very positive thing for me. I can't tell you how therapeutic it's been to vent my feelings and stories in a safe and anonymous place. And, to then get feedback and support from my readers? That's even better. Because, while I don't wish single-ness on anyone who doesn't wish to be single, it does feel better to know that others are in the same boat and can relate to what I'm going through. In my life, there aren't many who can relate to this. Seriously. So, this blog has been a great place for me to connect with like minded people. Thank you!
On the other, more negative, hand...it's a little sad that it's 4 years later and my situation hasn't changed or improved. Again, I know many of you can relate to this. Unfortunately. I so wish my situation would change, but not sure how or why it hasn't. I've been open to pretty much any set-up. I've been social. I've gone back to online dating. And still...nothing. Bummer.
Anyway, the main reason for this post is to thank you, my readers, for your support and advice! And for reading my blog at all! I have no clue how many people read my blog. But, when I started this blog, I honestly thought no one would ever see it or read it! It was more of a diary for myself; a place to vent. And several of you have either offered advice, support, or thoughts on what I post. Thanks for reading!
I'd say, "here's to 4 more years," but let's hope that none of you are reading this in 4 years and that I'm not writing it...because we'll all be paired up with great guys!!! Right?
Thanks again for reading!
7 months ago
Hey, I just found your blog! I totally understand looking back however many years and wondering "What has changed?" It takes courage to continue to process singleness instead of ignore it or wish it away. Many blessings to you on your journey!
ReplyDeleteThanks, blithe bachelorette! As I said in this post, one of the most positive things about this blog has been "meeting" others who can actually relate to what I'm going through! THANKS!
DeleteWhy exactly are you single?
ReplyDeleteI ask myself that all the time, Yuvraj! Not sure, but maybe someday I'll know the reason. :-)