Hello readers...if you're still out there!
I realize I've not blogged for a few months, but there's not real reason other than there's been nothing to blog about.
Life, other than being single, is actually pretty good. I ran another marathon last month. While it was slow and frustrating, I did manage to finish. Work has been crazy busy and is just now starting to slow down, which is fine with me...heading into the last quarter. And a friend and I are planning a mini vaca before the end of the year.
No dates. No progress in that department. I think I'm still on eHarmony, which has been a total waste of time. I'm planning to cancel soon. I swear, I could randomly go on there once every 4 days and the SAME guys, all living an average of 400 miles away from me, are on my "match" list. Stupid. I have zero plans to start communicating with someone, for the first time, with a goal of potentially dating, who lives THAT FRICKING FAR AWAY. Ridiculous.
Match won't STOP sending me email notifications about how "he winked at you!," "he emailed you!," "he made you a favorite!" Um, really? OK. So, Match, you want me to pay you some money so I can view all these potential awesome matches, right? Um, wrong. I have not been suckered in by this yet. Ya know why? I remember when I first tried Match and did the basic part, prior to having to pay, and it told me I had "sooo many" matches. So, of course, I paid, hoping that THIS would be the time something might work. And it was all crazy, scary, unattractive (sorry, but I didn't find them attractive) guys. Waste of money.
Again, I go back to how much I abhor online dating. It sucks. Yes, people meet that way, get married, and live happy lives with each other. I do believe that. However, I maintain that it is NOT for me. It's just so awkward. And there's no way to validate anything about that person. At least if a friend sets you up, you can trust that they're not setting you up with a crazy person. I'm sure I've said this before.
Anyway, still frustrated (no surprise, there) that I'm still single, despite my very social life and seemingly being a normal person.
7 months ago
There's nothing wrong being single. Love will have it's own way of finding you. We don't need to look for it, all we have to do is to wait for the right time and the right person. For everyone to understand what I mean, I would like to share this story about a man who's been longing to find the woman of his dream. Check this out: http://www.allonkhakshouri.com/personal/never-single-again/