OK, I know. I haven't posted in a long time, 3+ months. Not sure if you've missed me or not, but I'll give you an update anyway. ;-)
I'm still LOVING my house. Seriously. I can't get over how much I love having the extra space. So happy with it. And I now have my very own home gym, which is fantastic. I can work out whenever I want and no longer have to go to the gym.
Um, my ex-friend who cheated on her husband and then they eventually divorced...and she (I think) dated a few others in there...started dating someone else and they got engaged over Christmas. Let's just say I wasn't happy to read that on Facebook. I mean, are you kidding me? How is that possible? It made me feel like crap, but I came out of it pretty quickly. And while this isn't a nice thing to say, I don't have high hopes that her second marriage will go well.
Christmas with family was fine...no major drama. Once again, my family assumes I have no life and can come home whenever is convenient for them. Seriously. So, that was annoying. And I spent probably $35 per kid (5 kids) and each couple spent $25 on me. I feel appreciated. :-) Oh well, overall it was fine.
Now, to the point of this post.
A friend of mine has recently asked me about a potential set-up. He knows me pretty well and thinks me and this guy would hit it off. So, when he messaged me on FB, I was curious about it. I also hadn't talked to him in a while, so I was just surprised to hear from him at all.
I decided, rather than reply YES right away, to take a few days to think about it. I trust this friend and he knows the nightmare set-ups I've been on, so I know he wouldn't suggest this unless he truly thought there was potential.
Here's why I wanted to take a few days to think it over. First of all, I almost always agree to set-ups right away, just because it's hard to meet people any other way. So, I wanted to NOT do that this time. My other concern is that, things are going really well for me right now. I'm in a really good place...not necessarily OK with being single...but doing well overall. So, this potential set-up could be a continuation of that good...OR could be a let down, which would be a setback. I wanted time to think about that and whether or not I'd be willing to take that risk.
I talked it over with a few friends, prayed about it a little...and decided to go for it. So, I've given my friend the green light and he is going to pass my number along to the guy. I also warned my friend about the last potential set-up, where a friend passed my number to the guy...and he never pulled the trigger, other than texting. And...http://wwwsingleandbloggingit.blogspot.com/2014/03/ughwhy.html.
I just wanted him to know that I would prefer that doesn't happen again.
So, I'm trying to be open. And calm. And we'll see if this guy contacts me and sets something up. I will keep you posted!
Wish me luck!
7 months ago
Happy New Year to you! Good luck on your date, I hope it's a good one and you have a great time! :)