Whoa...I haven't posted anything since the beginning of November? How did that happen?
I guess November and December were pretty busy...but I didn't have anything too exciting to report. Anyway, I can't believe 2012 is over and 2013 is here?
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are ready for a new year!
My Christmas was fine, nothing too exciting. I always take time off from work through the end of the year, which is nice. Unfortunately, this year, I managed to somehow be busy for most of that, so it wasn't remotely relaxing. I envisioned days of sleeping in until 10, lazing around the house, eating crap while watching something dumb on TV. None of that really happened. Oh well.
I did get to see family, which was nice. But, being single sucks a touch more around the holidays. Since we celebrate Christmas AFTER Christmas, that means I'm home...alone...on Christmas Day. I just think that sucks. It's no one's fault, but it still sucks to sit there, alone, knowing others are with family, opening presents, enjoying the day. I did better this year than last, but still.
It's also a let down as far as presents go. And before you say it - I'm FULLY aware that Christmas is not only about presents. You know who SAYS stuff like that? People who have always and still do get awesomely amazing presents EVERY year. I guarantee if they experienced one of my Christmases...they'd change their tune.
I, a single woman, spend a significant amount on my nieces and nephews (not to mention stuff I buy/do during the year). And no, I am not saying I do/buy those things in order to get something in return. However, I do think their parents could somehow acknowledge the stuff I do by giving me a nice gift or whatever. As it turns out...each set of parents spent about $25 on me. Mind you, I spent $35 A PIECE on their kids. So...I guess I think they could have done more. I'm not super angry or anything, but it does irritate me.
I think I will be spending/doing less, going forward. That doesn't mean I won't continue the good relationship I have with the kids, but I'm just not going to spend as much. It doesn't seem to be appreciated and I'm not rich.
One of my best friends did give me some cool stuff - a book gift certificate to Amazon AND a heated throw blanket. It is divine! So, I was definitely given some nice gifts by others, which is great.
I was ready to be home and have at least one day of rest/lazy, which I did. Now, I'm back at work and getting into the swing of 2013!
PS I'm 99% sure I consumed 78,000 calories of sweet, sugary treats over the holiday. Ugh. I'm too scared to get on the scale. The one redeeming thing is that I got some decent workouts in...but not nearly enough to compensate for what I ate!
7 months ago
I ate so much I'm not sick of food. Not really, but it sounded good, didn't it? lol Happy New Year! I hope your year is full of all things happy, sappy and fun! :)
ReplyDeleteI know! I feel like I'm a bottomless pit! Hope YOU have a fantastic 2013 as well!