So, remember when I posted about my co-worker/friend that people want me to date? Well, nothing has happened there, which is fine. I mean, numerous people think we should date - and not just MY friends. I found out recently that his friends have bugged him about it or made comments to him as well.
My gut tells me that he is not interested because he sees me as a sister type? Or that he thinks i'm probably too old (which might be true). I'm fine if nothing ever happens, because we are really good friends and spend quite a bit of time texting/working/running together. Side note: He also has recently been on a few dates with a new girl.
Anyway, my side job recently had their holiday party. And trust me, other than the above mentioned friend, there are rarely any guys I'd consider dating. I'm either not attracted, they're too young, or I just don't know them very well.
So, I didn't really expect to see anyone all that interesting at the party. Holy. Crap. This guy from one of our other locations came in and I about died. Seriously. So. Fricking. Attractive. O. M. G.
As picky as people might think I am, I've never really thought about how a guy dresses. I mean, I expect them to be somewhat put together and not wear pants that are too short, but other than that...not much thought. Well this guy? Honestly, he was dressed perfectly. If I could have picked what my perfect date would would have been this. Nice, dark jeans, a button down shirt underneath a v-neck sweater.
It was all I could do not to attack him. I totally kept tabs on him at the party and the bars we went to later.
Anyway, I did manage to introduce myself. But, there wasn't a ton of contact beyond that. Once I figured out his last name...I may or may not (don't judge!) have stalked him out on FB. Based on my calculations...I think he's maybe 25 - at MOST!
Dang it! He's one of those guys that could pass for 30. He doesn't look old or anything, but just looks mature and put together.
I'm sure he didn't notice me at all, but boy, I noticed him!
The point of this post being - why the frick are all the cute ones so young?
I guess the silver lining is that I still find guys attractive. Sometimes, when I either haven't met any or have had numerous bad experiences, it's nice to be reminded that I'm capable of having the hots for a guy!
7 months ago
HA! I have the same problem. The older I get, the younger they get. -The hot ones anyway. :)