So...I had what I would call a horrible night last week. And if I had to live through it, you, dear blog readers, have to hear about it. :-)
I worked all day at my job...then headed to my side job, which is usually a pretty easy thing. But, we were super busy that night. And it got to the point, where I was so cranky, I had zero desire to do anything but go home.
Not so fast. I had already committed to going to a dinner (related to this side job), right after we closed. So...I rode along with a few the worst mood, wishing I wasn't going.
Remember my friend? People kept saying we should date? Now, me, I definitely enjoy him and his friendship, but I had definite concerns about the age gap, his religious beliefs, his current career (still in school), etc. So, I didn't really have my heart set on anything happening there.
Well, he was set up on a blind date recently...and guess what? Things are working out perfectly. All lovey dovey, unicorns, and rainbows.
I'm happy for him, I am. But, when I'm being bomarded (feels that way) with pregnancy news, engagements, and now his new relationship - it's a bit much.
Anyway, about 2 seconds before going into the restaurant, I find out that he's bringing his new girlfriend, whom I've never met. Oh, great. Awesome. (He confirmed to me that he was coming, but never mentioned he was bringing her - which irritates me a bit.)
So, I'm in a horrible mood, definitely down on life, and now I have to deal with this? Really?
And...when we sat down, I had to sit across from him and his girlfriend. Let's just say they are very touchy-feely, lovey-dovey, affectionate, PDA, etc. Whoa.
She is very friendly and outgoing, and I'm sure I will like her. But in that moment, it was all too much to deal with. I tried my best.
Let me insert here that I'm not upset that he's now dating someone - in the sense that I wish it were me. I don't. But...he dated a girl from high school, through most of his college years. Then he was single...and he gets set up on ONE FRICKING BLIND DATE...and it's working out? Do you know how many horrible setups I've been on? TONS. And how many have worked out? ZERO. And I'm 10 years older than he is. I guess it feels a bit unfair to me.
So, his girlfriend stepped away from our table for a bit and he asked how I was doing. He's aware I'm going through some stuff right now. So, I told him I was pretty much the same. And his response was sort of a flippant, "I don't know what to say to you." OMG. I'm aware! I'm aware you have NO CLUE what I'm going through right now. You telling me that you don't know what to say only makes it worse. Please don't say that. So, I said, "I know you don't what to say..." And he said, "What do you want me to say?" OMG. "Well, I don't want you to say anything."
First of all, he KNOWS I'm going through something, so is that moment, at a dinner table with a group of people (many of whom I don't know), the best time to ask how I'm doing? Secondly, he knows that I know he can't constantly saying, "I don't know what to say," is just horrible. Just say, "I'm sorry you're going through this." That's enough.
So, I started tearing up at the table, and had to use a Kleenex to dab my eyes. Ugh. At one point, I excused myself to the bathroom...just to escape!
I forgot to mention that my dinner was supposed to be paid for by the employer (drinks were on us). So, the waitress brings me my bill and it's for the whole thing. Great. I've now spent $40 for this craptastic evening. Awesome.
My friend and his girlfriend had stepped out near the bar after dinner. So, the owner calls my name, wanting to talk to me. And she says, very excitedly, "So? What did you think?" And I was caught off guard. "Of what?" "Of his girlfriend? Isn't she great? I really like her! I'm so happy for him!" At this point, another female co-worker comes on the other side of me...and starts talking about them, too. So, I'm now trapped between both of them, going ON and ON about the happy couple. And then the owner proceeds to tell us how she was at a restaurant the week before, and saw them making out at their table...
Kill me. Now.
The night continued to drag on, and, eventually, we left...I was home just before 11pm. Ugh.
*The owner realized their mistake the next day and is going to reimburse me (and others) for their meals. So, that's good. Silver lining?
7 months ago