Well...I'm back from my whirlwind trip to Australia. I got back last week and dove right back into work and my life. I sort of forgot that jet lag would be my annoying friend for a few days. Ugh.
Basically, there was major turbulence on the long flight back, so I felt like crap and couldn't get any sleep. So, I think I maybe got 4 hours sleep in one day...and then slept 4 hours the night I got back...before going to work the next morning. Yes, I'm smart. I know.
Overall, the trip was fantastic! I saw and experienced some amazing things and it's a beautiful place. It was wonderful to spend uninterrupted time with my friend and to hang with her family. My side trip was also fun.
There was only one hiccup. My carry-on bag was rejected at the gate on my flight back to Sydney. My carry-on was totally acceptable on the WAY THERE. Grrr. So, I find out as the plane is taking off, that my bag will be moved to another flight...and not be available to me for about 4 hours after MY flight lands. OMG.
Now, I'm aware a boyfriend/spouse wouldn't have been able to magically fix this situation. BUT...they would have been IN the situation with me. I wouldn't have been alone.
Let me backtrack... The final day didn't start out well. I had to check out of my hotel early, but then had about 3 1/2 hours before my ride to the airport would arrive. So, I got all cute and decided to walk around and explore the city...and also find some breakfast. Well, the hotel employee wasn't clear in her directions...so I ended up walking about 20-25 minutes in the wrong direction - in the blazing heat. I was pouring sweat. I then had to walk BACK to where I started and proceeded to walk another 20-25 minutes to the right part of the city. I sat down at the first restaurant I found. At this point, I was mad. I was no longer cute. I was sweaty and tired. I estimate I probably walked about 3-4 miles in sandals that morning.
So, when I got back to the hotel to wait for my ride, I was not in a great mood.
OK, now we're back to the airport/luggage debacle. I held back tears on the flight...knowing that my bag wouldn't be there. You see, I had made arrangements with my friends to take the train into town from the airport...to save them from driving out in rush hour traffic. But NOW, they would have to come to the airport anyway, except late at night. So, I felt terrible about that.
Once my flight landed, I found out that my bag woudn't get there until after 10pm. I called/texted my friends and then fought with the baggage/airline guy. At this point, I was crying. No joke. Couldn't control it.
I took the train back to their house and then her amazing husband drove with me back to the airport to get my luggage later that night. It was a crap day.
And again, a guy couldn't have fixed it, but I guess I'd love to know someone is WITH me during something like that. And then I get irritated, because I think of all of my friends who have never been single and never have to deal with this sh*t. They just tell their husband (I'm dead serious) to take care of it or whatever.
OK, back to the GOOD. The trip was unbelievable! I snorkelled at the reef and can't believe the stuff I saw. I went whitewater rafting. I saw some amazing Australian animals and even got to pet them. Lots of shopping, too. I don't even want to THINK about how much money I spent. Oh well. I can pay it off, right? :-)
It is good to be back and get back into my routine. I think I'm nearly over the jet lag and back in the swing.
Vegas is next month!
7 months ago
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