Again, I think I've mentioned this before.
As frustrated as I am with my single status, I don't have a great solution for it.
Online dating? OK, well, I've tried that and absolutely hated it. Also, I think, to some degree, it's a bit risky/dangerous. And, there are plenty of fellow bloggers' horror stories that keep me from doing it again.
Set-ups/Blind dates? OK, well, I am very vocal about being open to those. And I've been on several. The problem is this. People that offer to set you up almost NEVER follow through. I have one friend who has failed 3 times and SHE'S the one who brought each potential set-up up to ME. And trust me, I've followed up, I've emailed, Facebook messaged, asked several friends about set-ups. And almost always, they don't follow through. Well, it's not like I have the guy's information, so I can contact him myself. And if I did...that might be a bit stalkerish.
Out and about in the world? Hmm. I'm a pretty social gal. I usually have something social going on every weekend. I'm a I'm constantly at races where there are a lot of people...including, I would think, single men. I dress nice and put myself together it's not like I'm wearing a sweatshirt, hair tied in knots, with no makeup on.
So tell me. WHAT should I be doing? I'm not claiming that I'm out on different dates 3-4 times a week. Kudos to anyone who can and does do that. Impressive. I think that would be too much for me, unless it was the same guy or a boyfriend. But, I'm completely open to set-ups or meeting someone, and it's not happening. I can't go back in time and meet the guy in high school or college. So, I feel like the above 3 options are the most obvious.
7 months ago