I guess it's been about a month since my last post. I can't think of a good reason that I haven't posted much...other than my life hasn't been that exciting. I did go to Vegas (for the first time) recently, which was fun.
Anyway, back to the title of this post. Do you ever feel like the world just can't help but rub it in that YOU are alone and that OTHERS are not? Honestly, that's how I feel on a regular basis lately.
It's not enough that nearly every single one of my friends is married with kids and building their dream home. No, I have to be constantly surrounded by couples. When I was in Australia, I saw several couples holding hands, looking all romantic. My friend there is very happily married to her husband, so they are very affectionate (even after 10+ years). I should also note that my friend has pretty much never been single in her life. Ever.
And there's a new group at church that someone volunteered me for. I missed the first meeting, but showed up at the next one. Guess what? It's not a couples group...but everyone there (EXCEPT FOR ME) is married. Fantastic. That is great. Wonderful.
I went for a run yesterday in the gorgeous Fall weather. And while I was enjoying my run, I hopped onto the trail for a bit. I pass this young couple who are walking along...and then they start to hold hands...and then I think they even had a quick kiss. Are you KIDDING me? Must I be confronted with this everywhere I go?
Now, I'm not crazy. I know it's no one's fault and these ridiculously happy, coupled people can't help themselves. But seriously. It is just too much to take. They have NO idea what it is like to be in my shoes.
And it gets to a point, where I feel excluded in most areas of my life. My small group? All married. People I work with? All married. My friends (except for maybe one)? All married. New group at church? All married.
Another example? I've got a group of friends from college and we go away for a weekend every year. Anyway, every year, it's harder for me to want to go. Because I'm the single one. The ONLY single one. Now, no one there makes me feel like a weirdo. But they don't have to - I'm the odd ball. Everyone is married, and has been married, and is showing pictures/talking about their kids and then talking about the new amazing house they're building. Then there's me. Um, still living in my small place, not dating anyone, certainly not married, and definitely no kids (and that prospect gets bleaker, the older I get).
And one of my friends who goes on that trip is always so sweet. She wants me to go so badly. And I know she's being honest when she says that she doesn't even think of it as a couple's trip. The thing is, it's easy to not think of it that way when you and everyone else there is part of a couple (except for me). If there were even two other people who were single, I wouldn't struggle as much with whether or not to go. I hate that everyone else's lives change/progress every year, while mine remains the same. (I've decided to go, by the way. We'll see how I do.)
It just sucks.
And honestly, if I had zero desire to be married/have kids, none of this would be an issue. But I do want those things.
So, I just feel like the whole "couple" thing is IN MY FACE lately, and it makes me want to scream. It also makes me question what the frick I did to deserve this punishment?
7 months ago
LOL! Get out outta my head!!! :) I feel the same way about the upcoming holidays. I'm in the same boat as you regarding friends. My inner circle? Married or with a s/o. Every Christmas my cousins and siblings have a White Elephant party. It's always so much fun. However, it also gets harder and harder for me to want to be there. You see, everyone there is married or dating someone and they take that someone. And then there's me. It sucks. -It gets better doesn't it??? :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad that someone else understands...but not glad that you are going through the same thing. It DOES suck!