OK, so I'd like to know what the proper etiquette is when someone is checking you out. Like, very obviously checking you out.
I'm getting my fountain pop this morning and this guy stared at me...it was obvious. And was still staring at me as he left. I saw him look at my car and was still staring when I got in my car.
There are two possible responses to take this. #1) I've still got it. He was checking me out. Woohoo to me. I'm lookin' good. #2) Ewwww! He's looking at me. Won't stop staring. Ick. I guess there's a #3 - The guy is repulsed and staring at you in shock.
I usually respond via #2. Because, I'm sorry, it's creepy when someone stares at you. They could be the hottest guy on the planet, and still, part of you would be creeped out by the staring.
I guess a couple of guys checked me out as I left a restaurant in Vegas (my friend told me). Now, it's great if they found me attractive. I guess, in some way, that's a little boost to the ego. But the thing is, NOTHING will ever come of it. I'm not saying I wish those guys (or the gas station guy) would run up and ask me out. But it's a little frustrating to know that someone finds you attractive...and nothing will happen. (I'm not in to random hook-ups with complete strangers...so that's why I say nothing will happen.)
My main point is that I wish guys weren't so obvious about it. I mean, we all know nothing's going to happen, so can you be a bit more discreet with your staring?
7 months ago
hmm, i dunno. i kinda don't mind when they stare, if i like what i see, i stare back and might even smile. will it lead to anything? probably not, but you never know. besides, i'm a big ol' flirt. lol