I recently purchased a single serve blender and it is amazing. It was only $15, but probably the best $15 I've spent in a while.
I do have a blender, but would never think to dig it out and make a smoothie and then clean that blender. Annoying. But, one that makes one serving? Genius.
So, I bought some low fat vanilla yogurt and frozen strawberries when I bought the blender. I eyeballed it and the first one was amazing. I think I've had the blender less than two weeks and have used it at least once each day, usually two.
And honestly, I've had smoothies at this local place people swear by...and I know they add a ton of sugar to theirs. I like the ones I'm making better! And it's frozen fruit, a little bit of low fat yogurt, ice, and water. I mean...it's healthy! I figured the calories and I'm guessing each one I make has maybe a little more than 100 calories. I'm planning to add either kale or spinach as well, I've read you can't taste them in the smoothie.
I like fruit, but usually waste a lot of money on it, because it goes bad before I can eat it. Same thing with yogurt. I've gone through a lot of both in this short time, which is good. And I crave the smoothie more than another sweet/naughty snack.
Anyway, I'm pumped that it's healthy and tastes great. Maybe it will curb some of the sugary treats I normally lean toward. Woohoo!
I highly recommend getting yourself one of these.
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