So, a good friend called the other night, but I was running, so I couldn't take the call. Then, I check FB yesterday, to find out she and her family are moving (due to her hubby's job) to Australia!
She called again on my way home from work and we got to chat a bit. I'm so excited for her and her family - what an amazing opportunity. Seriously!
There's always a but. You knew there'd be one, didn't you?
I can't lie and say that my heart didn't drop when I read the news. Not because I'm not genuinely thrilled for her. But, at this stage of my life, where I feel like it sucks, it's hard to read about yet another person - moving forward, doing something exciting in their life.
And here I in and day out, the same old stuff. No progress whatsoever. Ugh.
So, I did my best on the phone, but of course, the tears started coming out of nowhere. I didn't want to ruin her news, so I tried to cover as much as I could. When we were done talking about the particulars of the move, she asked, "So, how are you? What's new?"
Ugh again. "Um, nothing new here. My life still sucks, my stepmom is awful, and nothing in my life has changed - oh yah, and I'm still hopelessly single."
Oh wait, that isn't a good response? OK, I told her nothing was new and I didn't have much to report. But, being the good friend she is, I think she could tell I wasn't totally myself. So, the tears came again and I couldn't hold them in. I told her I felt SO bad because this is HER news and I don't want to be the big bummer stamp on it.
She's so great, too. She's like, "Oh my gosh, that doesn't matter! We're friends and we should talk about this stuff!"
The point is, I feel like I'm so frustrated that it's actually difficult to hear other people's good news. And that is SO not who I am. I'm the girl who's thrilled for people when something great happens and I grieve with them when something bad happens.
And, of course, I want all of my friends/family to have good things in their lives. It's just, I sort of would like to have some of those same good things happen in MY life as well. Is that too much to ask?
Another friend said someone quoted this to him: "When something good happens to someone, you view it as a piece of pie being taken away from YOU. But, God has a huge pie, with endless pieces for everyone."
My reply? "God has endless pieces, but he's just not giving ME any?" Ha, ha.
I just feel left behind in this thing called life. And, again, I'm aware I have it pretty good in comparison to the world.
The worst part? Here I am crying and wanting to curl up in a ball on the couch...but I didn't have time to do that. How pathetic is that? I had to go to one of my extra jobs and was still wiping tears off as I walked in (also sporting some fresh red eyes). My preference would have been to stay home and I'm sure I'd have cried full out.
Theme for this week? BLAH!
7 months ago
Lovely post... reposting on