Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh yeah, this is real... the last 2 days, 2 different people have informed me that these are, in fact, a real thing - on shelves now.  CRAP! 

WHY, oh why can't the Cadbury Egg people keep these eggs to their original season...Easter?  I struggle enough once a year.  Not to mention all the other crap I eat.  I'm 99% certain there were Cadbury Creme "Ornaments" at Christmas last year.  Not good, folks.  Not good. 

I have not had one of these yet, but I'm sure I'll try one (and ignore the green insides).  So much for trying to drop a few pounds before my next marathon... 

Where's my handyman?

I had a teeny tiny "why me" moment last night. 

I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and then left the bathroom.  I came back in a few minutes later, and it was still running.  And then I heard/saw leaking from the handle.  Yep, the tank was filling too high and basically overflowing.  So, water was all over the place and I was frantically grabbing towels to soak it up. 

Yes, I know the first thing to do is turn the water off.  But, due to my panic, no matter which way I turned that knob...NOTHING happened!  After a few minutes, I finally got the water to the toilet turned off and finished drying up my flooded river on the bathroom tile. 

Here's the thing, I wouldn't say my dad was super handy.  But, the FIRST person I wanted to call was my dad.  I mean, that's just a dad thing.  I would have called him and he would have talked me through a few things and then I would have dealt with it further today.  But, I couldn't call my dad.  So, that bummed me out a little. 

And then I had the "why am I single/it's not fair" moment.  I mean, I'm aware that I could be married to a guy who has no handyman skills whatsoever, but at least he'd be there...or I could call him.  Or something...rather than dealing with it all by myself.  I was heading somewhere and trying to rush anyway, so this put a crimp in my plans. 

I would have loved to have said, " you have this under control?  I'm going to go, but will be back later."  Or, "Honey!  The toilet is leaking...what do I do?" 

I'm fortunate to have a good friend who volunteered her very kind dad to come take a look and fix it.  So, if all goes well, it will be in working order tonight.  Phew.  So, I'm counting my blessings there, as a plumber or me Googling how to fix would be much more expensive/dangerous. 

Anyway, it's those little moments in life where the single thing can get me down.  Again, I"m aware that my future mate may not have been able to do anything more than I did...but we'd be IN the mess TOGETHER! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rude question...

A few weeks ago, I was at the gym, getting in my treadmill run.  A former co-worker and her husband came in.  I haven't seen them in a while, so it was good to say hello.  Her husband was on the treadmill next to me and we ended up chatting for most of our run. 

While it was good to catch up on their family/life and find out what was going on, I ended up being a little annoyed.  Because, as we were talking, he asks - "Are you dating someone?" 

Here's what I've decided.  THAT is a rude question to ask.  It just is.  By asking that question, you're insinuating the following:
  • It's not ok to be single.  There's something wrong with you.  I mean, if you aren't DATING someone...what EVER will you do? 
  • If I answer that I'm not dating's now awkward for both of us.  I am supposed to feel bad and you just get to enjoy the awkward silence.
  • If I answer that I am dating someone, then you're going to ask me all sorts of details about it - and I may not really want to share that with you. 
    • And then you'll probably ask if I'm going to marry this person, etc.
I don't ever ask married people how their marriages are going.  Ya know why?  It is inappropriate to ask that question.  And it would put them in a potentially awkward situation.  Why doesn't this occur to people? 
Now, I know this guy wasn't trying to be rude, and was probably just curious.  But still...he shouldn't have asked that.  And he (and his wife) know me well enough to know that I would LIKE to be dating/married/have kids.  So, asking me that - knowing that the answer might be NO - is not wise.  Because, if I were dating someone, I'm 99% certain I'd volunteer that to you. 

I had another epiphany as a result of this little situation.  THIS is exactly why single people feel bad about being single.  Don't ask my why it took me this long to figure out. 

But here's the thing.  Yes, I want to date and get married and eventually have children (sooner than later).  BUT, it's not necessarily because everyone else has that.  It's because I truly WANT those things to happen in my life.

While being single isn't my choice, it IS where I'm at right now in my life.  So, I'm trying to make the most of my life and have fun.  2012 has been fantastic so far...and that's had nothing to do with dating. 

So, when married people ask me if I'm dating or whatever - it makes ME feel like that's what I'm supposed to be doing.  When, there are tons of people in the world who CHOOSE to be single - which is great.  It puts an undue pressure on me (whether intentional or not).

If I'm dating someone seriously, believe me, I will shout it from the rooftops.  Until then, please don't ask me if I'm dating.  Thank you.   

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guess what I'm thinking of doing?

Remember when I cut off my hair (16 inches)?  Well, I did love that, but I didn't love the constant haircuts to keep it up.  So, I've been growing it out since early this year.  Lucky for me, my hair grows ridiculously fast, so it's already nearly to my chin! 

I just got a trim last week, and told my stylist that I wanted to do something a little crazy.  I'd like to get some fun color streaks in my hair - purple/pink/blue.  And she was completely on board.  After talking to a couple girlfriends, they were totally pumped, too. 

So, I'm waiting a bit, until it gets a little longer.  But, I seriously CAN'T wait to get it done!  It'll be a little crazy, but also fun.  And it's totally out of character for me.  So, I'm aware it will shock people, but I don't really care. 

It will probably something CLOSE to this, but nothing is decided yet.  So.  Excited! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

To date or not to date?

OK, I'm hoping I still have a few readers who can give me some advice here. 

No, I'm not dating anyone - nothing new there.  I've been so busy having fun this year, that it really hasn't been an issue. 

So, there's this guy.  We've worked together (my part-time job) for a while and have always gotten along well.  When I first met him, he was dating his long time girlfriend (who I liked).  (They are no longer dating.)I'd say we've gotten closer in the last year. 

We have a lot in common and see eye to eye on most things.  We text.  A LOT.  We talk on the phone probably once a week.  He comes to me for advice on stuff.  I tell him what's going on with me.  We usually hug when we see each other.  And I've been out for drinks/dinner with him (and a few buddies) several times.

Here's the thing.  He's 24.  I'm 35.  :-)  Didn't see that coming, did ya?

Now, I've never really had a crush or anything on him.  But, I will say I've always thought, "Dang, if he were older, I think we'd probably date."  And others have mentioned the idea to me before, in the past.

So, recently, I've had a handful of people make comments to me, such as, "Why don't you and X date?  I don't get it!  You two should date!"  And when I come back with the age difference, no one seems to think it's an issue.

I will say, he's the most mature 24 year old I've ever met.  You'd never know that's how old he is.

I have NO CLUE if people have made the same comments to him.  (Although, I'm curious!)

It's a tricky situation, but I have to say - I think I'd be open to dating him, or at least seeing what's there.  But, I really have no clue how he feels.  If I had to guess, I'd say he's had the same thought as me, "If she were younger, I'd date her."  But who knows?  My radar could be completely wrong.

I feel like all the contact (texts/phone calls) might mean something?  I don't know.  I don't want to mess up our friendship or make either one of us uncomfortable, either.

So, dear readers, what would YOU do?  What are your thoughts on this potential date?  HELP! 

Friendship over...

Hello friends!  I have no right to expect that any of you actually check my blog anymore, since I haven't posted in a long while.  Life has been busy.  Life has been good.  Not sure if those are excuses...but let's go with that. 

So, my last post had to do with a friend of mine who cheated and is potentially going through a divorce. 

Let me catch you up on that sitch:

I finally got in touch with this friend (let's call her WC) - after her avoiding me for weeks.  Prior to making a plan to meet for dinner, there were several text exchanges that were incredibly rude and immature on her part.  We had dinner in late April and she informed me she had feelings for someone else.  Now, to be fair, she had no idea that I knew she'd full on slept with this person.  BUT, she knew most of our other friends knew.  So, I asked if they were "dating," and she said they were.  And then I asked if things were physical.  She looked me right in the eye and said, "No."  So, I sort of repeated that again, giving her another chance, and she still said, "No." 

Not good, folks.  Not good.  It's one thing to keep this from me, but when I ask you flat out and we've been on rocky ground - you should probably tell the truth.  It took all I had not to yell at her.  I sat there and listened, never really came down on her or anything. 

After that, we didn't have much contact.  I made a few attempts to get together with her - and for some reasons, we just couldn't get our schedules together.  Uh huh.  BUT, guess who came to town a few weeks later?  PB.  You remember PB, right?  The guy I met at a race and sort of speed dated for a weekend? 
So, instead of messaging myself or WC's husband that he was in town...he ONLY messaged her.  And they went for a run, dinner, lunch, etc.  She was able to find all sorts of time to spend with him...but couldn't arrange something with one of her best friends.  Hmmm...

And...her husband asked her politely NOT to see PB, because it made him uncomfortable (rightfully so).  She saw nothing wrong with hanging out with a single, attractive guy - when she was supposedly "working" on their marriage.  She even chose hanging out with PB over her husband. 

This also confirms my feelings about PB, that he is gross and looking for action.  He KNEW she was having marital problems and contacted only her, when he's been friendly with her husband in the past as well.  ICK. 

So, WC and I have not really spoken/hung out in months, now.  She's made no effort and I'm at a point where I think she sucks.  I don't think I need to make any sort of effort, because I'm not the one who's done anything wrong.  I recently found out that she thinks she has nothing to apologize to me for and that I'm "making way too much" of this whole thing.  Really?

What am I making too much of?  Let me think...
  • She cheated on her husband, a good friend of mine.  (Now, I'm aware that is THEIR issue, so I can't hold a grudge against her for that.  But, I still have some issues with her doing something like that.)
  • She mislead me from the very beginning, putting blame on her husband and saying she wasn't in love with him...never was.  All the while, she was having an affair with this guy.
  • She stayed in my home while continuing to mislead me about what was going on.
  • She lied to my face when asked a direct question about her involvement with this guy. 
  • She spent time alone with a guy I dated, whom I specifically told her I had issues with.  (I think this is hugely disrespectful.  I'm not saying she can't be somewhat friendly with him, but given her current situation, she shouldn't hang out with him.  And you'd think, out of respect for her friend, she wouldn't WANT to.) 
  • She cut me out throughout this whole thing, when I was nothing but supportive from the get go (obviously I didn't know about the affair at first).  I spent extra time with her, talking things out.  There was no reason for her to think she couldn't talk to me about this.  (And she didn't cut others out.  I know for a fact she was socializing with other mutual friends of ours...but NOT including me.) 
So, if she could narrow it down to WHAT I'm "making too much of," that would be so helpful.

She and I have seen each other through millions of miles (running) and through the deaths of parents.  I guess, when you've been through that, I think you should be able to tell/confess anything to one another.  I'm not sure why she felt like she couldn't tell me.

And if she cared at all about our friendship...even if she doesn't think she needs to apologize, wouldn't you get in touch and find out WHAT is going on?  Wouldn't you want to save the friendship?

I think I'm going to cut my losses here and say good riddance.  It's a shame it had to happen this way, but I'm not going to just let this go.  She needs to be held accountable for her actions - in every way.  I think the way she's treated her still husband throughout this has been awful.  She is not the person I was friends with.  And if this is the "new" version of her...I'm not interested.

So, it's a sad ending, but I have to say - I haven't really missed her.  She has been critical in the past and made rude comments, testing my patience.  The funny thing about this whole thing is how she has always given me relationship/dating advice (unsolicited) - telling me what I should be doing. 

I gotta tell you...I've never been happier being single than watching this whole thing unfold.  Ick.  It's a good reminder that I am strong, independent, and have the self esteem to know what I deserve!