Hello everyone in blog world! It has been far too long since I've posted and my crazy schedule is the culprit. I've WANTED to blog, but just haven't been able to. So, here goes...
The last few months have been filled with road races, a bridal shower, a wedding, church meetings, etc. Basically, I haven't had 8 hours sleep since... Hmmm...I can't remember when. *sad face*
I finished my 8th marathon (Marine Corps Marathon) two weeks ago and it was fun. It was the biggest marathon I've ever done and I really enjoyed the whole experience. I didn't hit my time goal (grrrrr), but it was cool knowing that my brother was out there running it as well. We ran in honor of my dad, a Vietnam Vet.
My lower back flared up early on in the race, so I ran the bulk of it in quite a bit of pain. But, when you are running up a hill past a triple amputee with a hand bike. Well, you sort of suck it up and get the job done. I wasn't going to tell that guy that I was tired or in pain! God bless him!
If you've never run a marathon, there is something about the challenge that is so gratifying. I may not be happy with my time, but I still pushed through and finished. And I did it on my own. In some ways, my independence is such a positive thing. And many times, during long races, I realize that fact. I realize that I am strong, resilient, tough, and will persevere through anything!
Overall the trip was good, but there were many annoying moments (brought to you by my stepmother). Also, it was my dad & stepmom, me, and my brother, his wife, and their new baby (ADORABLE, wanted to kidnap her). Can you say "odd one out?"
OK, OK, it wasn't that bad. But, when we were walking to dinner one night, I was literally walking all by my lonesome while those two couples were hand in hand. Again, happy for them, but do people ever even think about the odd duck in the group? I'm not saying people can't be affectionate, but it was just one of those moments.
I probably sound like a cry baby, but it sort of struck me. And I wonder what coupled people would do if they weren't coupled? How would they handle it?
Other than that, I'm just trying to keep up with everything I'm committed to right now.
7 months ago
Congrats on your 8th Marathon! Well done, even if you didn't hit your intended time... You finished and that's a hell of better than most people.